Clergy Resources

Clergy Resources

The NACCC has the unique and beneficial experience of working with member churches from across the country. Through our events and Year Round Delegate program, we have the opportunity to learn about the wide range of beliefs and experiences each of our member churches have to offer. At the NACCC, we understand that each pastor is as unique to Congregationalism as each of our member churches. We have created and made available a variety of resources for all Congregational clergy to help in the meaningful stewardship of their church.

Our Clergy Resources offer in-depth information on:
  • Chaplaincy
  • Minister Convocations
  • Congregational History and Polity Course
  • The Annual Meeting and Conference
  • Continuing Education Opportunities
  • Financial Assistance
  • Endowments and Enrichment Funds
  • Clergy Tax and Law Review
Clergy Resources
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Clergy Resources

Please review our featured clergy resources below. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can click on the “View All Resources” button below to explore all NACCC resources, using the filter and search functions. If you are unsure of what you’re looking for, contact the NACCC and a team member will follow up.

Ministerial Assistance and Financial Support

March 10, 2021|Clergy Resources, Featured - Clergy Resource, Featured - Financial Support Resources, Financial Support, Membership Benefits|

The NACCC, through our generous donors, provides various funds and financial support opportunities which are made available to Ministers and their families. Each fund is unique and may require that [...]

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