Member Church Directories

Member Directories Icon The NACCC Member Church Directory

The NACCC is made up of many diverse member churches from across the United States. We work with our members to maintain a data base of location and contact information of our member churches, affiliated clergy, and retired clergy. Many people use this directory when they are relocating, to find a new Congregational Christian church and to network within our faith community.


How To Use the Membership Map

To find information on Congregational Christian churches in your area of interest, you can select a location pin on the map or use the search function to narrow your results. Click on advanced search to filter by key indicators like state, city, or number of active members.

NACCC Recognized Ministries

Olivet College Logo

Founded by Congregationalists, Olivet College is a private liberal arts college located in south-central Michigan. The college was the first in the country by charter to accept women and persons of color.

Its more than 900 students participate in a unique educational experience known as the Olivet Plan. As part of this effort, students are engaged in both classroom and practical programs incorporating real world experiences with lectures and service learning.  The College’s commitment to providing access to a comprehensive and diverse learning environment is reflected in all aspects of the Olivet Plan. The aspirations of Olivet College are advanced in the College’s vision: Education for Individual and Social Responsibility.

Learn more about supporting the College

Piedmont University Logo

Piedmont is a private liberal arts university founded by Congregationalists and based upon the Judeo-Christian tradition.  The Judeo-Christian tradition comprises the humane values upon which Western Civilization is based.

It promotes concern for others and the acceptance for individual responsibility that are essential for ethical conduct and citizenship. Through fostering understanding and acceptance of this tradition, Piedmont University strives to further develop the individual’s personal growth through self-understanding and the ability to lead and work effectively with others.

Learn more about supporting the University

The Congregational Library and Archives are administered by the American Congregational Association, a non-profit organization founded May 25, 1853. The 1853 ACA charter stated that the organization was incorporated

“for the purpose of establishing and perpetuating a library of religious history and literature of New England, and for the erection of a suitable building for the accommodation of the same, and for the use of charitable societies.” It was felt that the latter should be done or the original Puritan literature would be lost.  The Congregational Library now holds 225,000 items documenting the history of one of the nation’s oldest and most influential religious traditions.

The Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation recognizes that conflict has marked human history causing pain, trauma, bitterness, and division between individuals, communities, and nations.

“Some say it is too early for reconciliation, some say it is too late for reconciliation, we say it is always time for reconciliation.” Dr. Arthur Rouner, founder.  The Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation recognizes that conflict has marked human history causing pain, trauma, bitterness, and division between individuals, communities, and nations. Cycles of conflict create both brokenness and despair. Their work calls them to places of historic and contemporary conflict with a unique experience of reconciliation to awaken hope and healing in wounded lives and divided communities. Through retreats, courses, and other mediation efforts they create safe spaces where individuals and groups are gently invited to experience repentance, forgiveness, and restored relationships, empowering them to rebuild trust and strengthen the social fabric of their community, all in the name of Christ.

NACCC Affiliated Organizations

AMCO is comprised of Congregationalists, representing the North America region of the International Congregational Fellowship.  Members who attend the NACCC’s Annual Meeting and Conference often meet together and invite all to join them in this vibrant fellowship.

The Committee for the Continuation of Congregational Christian Churches has worked steadily since the late 1940s to help churches navigate times of institutional turmoil. Its work grew out of, but eventually grew beyond, the “merger controversy” that saw the birth of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference (1945), the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (1955), and the United Church of Christ (1957). Although the committee’s history is most closely intertwined with that of the NACCC, it has no formal affiliation with any church body or denomination. The committee’s whole purpose is not to influence how a local church should choose its affiliations or what those affiliations should be, but only to aid the local church in maintaining its own freedom of choice.

The International Congregational Fellowship (ICF) is a vibrant global expression of a multiplicity of local Congregational churches and associational bodies across the world.  For Congregationalists, how our churches are organized and run have to reflect the principles and values that Jesus taught, and the pattern we find for church life and Christian leadership in the Bible.  Congregational churches do not exist in isolation but have traditionally formed free associations or networks.  ICF provides a global identity and a valuable opportunity for Congregationalists from all over the world to enjoy fellowship with one another. International gatherings happen every four years.

The purpose of the Washington Gladden Society is to honor Washington Gladden’s memory by applying the insights of the Social Gospel Movement to the important, controversial ethical and theological issues of our own times. It serves as a forum for discussion among Christians and local Churches in the Congregational tradition. This Society was born out of the needs expressed by laity and clergy who felt it worthwhile to expand the witness of the NACCC, while keeping their decisions, actions, and resolutions independent of the Association’s business.  Meetings are held at the time of the NACCC Annual Meeting and Conference.

This Society’s mission is to offer silent retreats, days of prayer, and other useful means of lifting up the power of individual and corporate prayer life.  Twice a year, the Society hosts a silent retreat and invites clergy and laity to attend this time of spiritual reflection and renewal. One retreat is held just ahead of the NACCC Annual Meeting and Conference. The other, which usually meets for a longer duration of at least 2-3 days, typically takes place in the autumn and may occur regionally. Members of the Society are also available to lead, to train or assist others to lead Classical Silent Retreats for local churches or regional associations.  There are offerings of varying lengths. Standard to all Classical Silent Retreats are prayer, devotional reading, and work in the quiet.

NACCC Affiliated Organizations
The NACCC Yearbook

The NACCC Yearbook

Every year, the NACCC puts together a yearbook that includes information on our:

  • Affiliated Colleges & Universities
  • State & Regional Associations
  • Annual Meeting & Conference Citations
  • Articles & Bylaws
  • Churches of the NACCC
  • Ministers of the NACCC
  • Necrology
  • Services of the NACCC

And lists the members of the:

  • Board of Directors
  • Congregational Foundation Board of Governors
  • Leadership Council
  • Ministry Councils
  • Nominating Committee
  • Along with information on the NACCC Officers and Staff

2023 NACCC Yearbook

NACCC Yearbook Covers

Connect with the NACCC Team

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

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