
Events & Annual Gatherings

The NACCC team organizes and hosts three major yearly events to help build fellowship among our member churches. Members from all over the country, young and old, have an opportunity to gather both in person and virtually to grow in faith and learn from one another. Our three main events are the Annual Meeting & Conference, the Ministers’ Convocation, and the NAPF/HOPE Youth Conference.

Calendar of Events Announcements

Annual Meeting & Conference

The most prominent NACCC event for laity and clergy is the Annual Meeting and Conference. This meeting is an important expression of Congregationalism where churches send a delegate to help conduct the business of the assembled churches. Our member churches form our National Association and this conference provides the opportunity for our members to come together and make important decisions to benefit their common interests. A variety of educational workshops and lectures are also available for attendees to participate in throughout the conference. While delegates from our member churches tend to this business, there is also plenty for others to do. Non-official delegates are welcome to attend this conference and enjoy the fellowship and educational opportunities it offers.

Event Details

Ministers’ Convocation

Every year, the NACCC hosts a gathering for clergy designed to provide continuing education, spiritual reflection, and rest. Convocations are generally held in three separate locations throughout the United States, allowing clergy a more cost-effective way to participate.  It always begins on the second Monday after Easter – the perfect time for clergy to renew themselves. Many churches set aside money to send their pastor to this event, knowing that the spiritual rest their pastor gains benefits the church in many ways.

Convocation Details

NAPF/HOPE Youth Conferences

The NACCC organizes and hosts two annual youth conferences every year. The National Association of Pilgrim Fellowship (NAPF) for high school students and the Heritage of Pilgrim Endeavor (HOPE) for college students. Held annually, sometimes in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Conference, our member youth meet in fellowship to experience spiritual growth, inspiration, and for mission work.

You do not need to have a youth group in your church to send someone to NAPF or HOPE Conferences. Both programs have one thing in common – a place, a time, and friends with which to share their faith.

Conference Details

Calendar of Events

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If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

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