
Volunteering with the NACCC

The NACCC thrives as an organization because of our rich tapestry of over 300 dedicated volunteers. From leadership roles to member church representatives, our programs, resources, and opportunities are made better by the diverse views, practices, and experiences of NACCC volunteers.

NACCC Programs and Resources Supported By Volunteers

The NACCC depends on a structure of volunteers to determine and manage programs and policies. The association fosters relationships between congregations while promoting faith, freedom, and fellowship. The NACCC helps churches thrive primarily by delivering services that individual churches cannot easily or efficiently provide for themselves.

Pastoral Search and Call

Facilitating fellowship through events

Mission connection & validation

One Great Hour of Sharing coordinated response to worldwide emergencies

The Center for Congregational Leadership

The Congregational Foundation for Theological Studies

The Congregationalist magazine

NACCC Volunteer Opportunities

Year Round Delegates

Year-Round Delegates

The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches depends on our Year Round Delegates to keep us informed about their church’s hopes and needs so that we may better support them.  We also count on Year Round Delegates to bring news of the NACCC to their congregation and leadership.  Because the NACCC is an association of churches who voluntarily come together in fellowship and mutual encouragement, every church’s participation contributes to the vitality of the organization and the Congregational Way.

Leadership Offices

The NACCC is governed and supported by several volunteer leaders throughout the country who come together in fellowship and dedication to the Congregational Christian way. Our organizational leaders work to provide a voice to our member churches, learn about their unique needs, and find resources and solutions to create meaningful opportunities for growth and development for all our members.

Volunteer Leadership Offices

Ministry Councils

There are three Ministry Councils of the NACCC.  Each consists of five members elected for three-year terms.  Each Ministry Council selects two representatives for election to the Leadership Council.  Ministry Councils may appoint Task Teams to assist in their areas of responsibility. The three Ministry Councils of the NACCC are the Growth Ministry Council, the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council, and the Vitality Ministry Council.

General Volunteer Inquiry

If you are interested in contributing your time and talents to the NACCC, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will follow up shortly!

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Connect with the NACCC Team

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us