Clergy Resources

Ministers Awards Information

We value our NACCC member church Ministers and are grateful for the opportunity to recognize them.  We are thankful to our donors for their generous financial support. Each fund is unique and may require that you complete and return [...]

Ministers’ Convocation Financial Assistance Information

Every year, the NACCC hosts a gathering for clergy designed to provide continuing education, spiritual reflection, and rest. Convocations are generally held in three separate locations throughout the United States. Thanks to our donors, the NACCC can provide financial [...]

Year-Round Delegate Program

The Year-Round Delegate (YRD), selected by each member church, assists in providing important communication to its church and to the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC). The NACCC depends upon on our member churches to keep us informed about [...]

Ministerial Assistance and Financial Support

The NACCC, through our generous donors, provides various funds and financial support opportunities which are made available to Ministers and their families. Each fund is unique and may require that you contact the Executive Director or complete and return an [...]


Institutions that hire chaplains often require a “denominational endorsement” as a requirement of employment.  While the NACCC is not a credentialing organization, when requested we will issue a letter to the institution that confirms their membership in an active NACCC [...]

Clergy Compensation and Benefits

It is important for churches to provide the pastor with compensation and benefits appropriate for the duties the church expects of their pastor. A person with a Master of Divinity degree should be compensated at a level equivalent to other, similarly [...]

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