NACCC e-News

October 15, 2021 – The Messenger

Executive Director Rev. Dr. Ashley Cleere talks about Congregationalism. Missions Administrator Julie Robie gives an update from Nigeria. Director of Development and Communications Debby Fulton talks about ways to stay connected to the NACCC. Click here to read the full [...]

October 1, 2021 – Community Connections

In this issue, read about the beginning of the new Lay Ministry Training Program, the NACCC Nominating Committee, and giving to the Congregational Foundation.  Also included are links to several upcoming opportunities to gather with fellow Congregationalists. Click here to [...]

September 15, 2021 – The Messenger

Executive Director Rev. Dr. Ashley Cleere talks about new ways of being Church. Missions Administrator Julie Robie give an update from Haiti. Vitality Ministry Council representative Rev. Justin Nierer talks about a new workshop for NACCC clergy for leadership in [...]

September 15, 2021|NACCC e-News, Newsletter|

August 15, 2021 – The Messenger

In this issue, Executive Director Rev. Dr. Ashley Cleere writes about diversity, equity, and inclusion; Missions Administrator Julie Robie shares news from Happy Life Mission in Kenya; and Director of Development & Communications Debby Fulton points member churches to the [...]

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