The NACCC, through our generous donors, provides various funds and financial support opportunities which are made available to Ministers and their families. Each fund is unique and may require that you contact the Executive Director or complete and return an application to the NACCC office.

Ministerial Assistance and Enrichment Fund
This fund provides two kinds of assistance.

  1. From time to time, clergy are faced with personal emergencies and need modest help to meet their challenges.  The Ministerial Assistance portion provides emergency financial assistance to ministers, both active and retired. Through this fund, dedicated care-givers can also receive support in times of need.
  2. The Enrichment portion of this fund can be used to supplement costs of continuing education opportunities including the Minister’s Convocation, seminars, and sabbatical leaves. This fund is not a permanent endowment and therefore relies on contributions from individuals and churches for continuing support.

All help is strictly confidential. Contact the Executive Director for more information or to make your request.

The Rev. Thomas and Kathleen Street Endowment
This endowment was established through donations to the Congregational Foundation from Dr. William and Lorraine Street, for the sole purpose of supporting the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) ministers and their families. Eligible ministers are those who have an unexpected financial need and who currently are serving in an active NACCC church, or prior to retirement served as a minister in a NACCC affiliated church.

To receive financial assistance a minister is required to complete the Application Form and return it either by email or mail to the attention of the Executive Director. See application for more details.
The Rev. Howard Conn Endowment Fund
Financial assistance is available for registration and travel expenses to attend a NACCC Ministers’ Convocation. The Howard Conn Endowment was established by Judge James and Leanne Rogers in memory of the Rev. Howard Conn, retired minister of the Plymouth Church in Minneapolis, MN. The Endowment’s explicit use is to support ministers travel expenses to attend Educational opportunities, such as Convocation. Rev. Conn was a preacher, lecturer, ecumenist, and writer. One of his favorite topics was the enduring significance of the Congregational Way of life. Ministers receiving these funds will share Reverend Conn’s belief that: “We think that God is too great to care what denominational labels we wear, but that God does desire that we join hands with all who love him/her in an effort to hasten the day of the Kingdom.”  -Reverend Howard Conn

To receive financial assistance a minister is required to complete the application form and return it to the NACCC office on or before March 31st. See application for more details.
The Retired Ministers Fund
This fund was established by the Rev. Dr. Max Strang, a long-time Congregational minister, and Mr. Fred Hoerner, a Congregational layman, to recognize the value of the service rendered by now-retired Congregational ministers and their spouses. This endowed fund has been supported generously by the churches and individuals of the NACCC and provides a modest annual gift to all retired ministers who have served NACCC churches. To qualify for this gift, a minister must have served an NACCC member church for at least 10 years and also at the time of his or her retirement be a member in good standing of a member Church of the NACCC. If retirement occurs before age 65 but the other requirements are met, the minister and/or spouse will begin receiving retirement gifts after the age of 65. This gift is extended to a surviving, legally married spouse upon the death of the qualifying minister.