Newsletters & Mailings

NACCC Newsletters

At the NACCC, we like to keep our member churches as informed as possible about new resources, events, and information relating to Congregationalism and our Association. We organize and publish a number of newsletters to help keep you, your fellow Congregationalists, and your church leaders informed. The NACCC distributes the NACCC E-News, Mission News, the Year Round Delegate Newsletter, and various church mailings.


Mission News Mission News

Year Round Delegate Newsletter Year Round
Delegate Newsletter

Church Mailing Church Mailings

NACCC Newsletter



We email a digital newsletter twice a month to all member churches and their leadership, along with NACCC leadership, donors, and many other interested individuals and organizations. Each newsletter contains timely information from NACCC Leadership, the NACCC staff, member churches and missionaries.

NACCC E-News: Community Connections
is sent out on the first of every month and features updates from our Leadership Boards, recent Minister Calls and Ordinations, and member church activities and celebrations.

NACCC E-News: The Messenger
includes an article or two from members of our Staff and Leadership Team, like our Executive Director, and offers program information, updates on missions, and more! The Messenger is emailed on the 15th of every month.

If you are not already receiving the email newsletter and would like to, send an email to: to subscribe.

Explore the NACCC News Archives

Mission News Image

Mission News

News and Needs of our Missions is a publication offering information about the projects and programs of NACCC sponsored Missions, both nationally and internationally. Emailed quarterly, Mission News is published by the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council and highlights the impact of our sponsored mission work and provides important information on each mission’s successes and needs.

For more information on NACCC missions, or to make a donation please contact Missions Administrator Julie Robie at 800.262.1620 or 603.642.7270 or send her an email.

The Year Round Delegate Newsletter


Each member church selects a Year Round Delegate to keep the NACCC informed on your church’s hopes and needs so that we might better support you in your ministries. We also count on you to bring news of the NACCC to your congregation and leadership.

Monthly, our Year Round Delegates receive an email newsletter called the YRD Line. Emailed the 20th of each month, the YRD Line includes a main article from leadership or staff and various links to other important materials and information for you to share with your minister, church leadership and congregation.

Church Mailings
Church Mailings

Church Mailings

The NACCC will occasionally mail each member church a packet of information that includes important material regarding changes in the NACCC leadership,  meetings and gatherings, ordering opportunities for resources and booklets such as Devotionals, and financial assistance information.

Connect with the NACCC Team

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

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