The Congregationalist

Publication Information

Publication Information

The Congregationalist is published four times a year, in March, June, September, and December. Published issues can be found on the NACCC website. As part of NACCC membership, active member churches are mailed at least one print magazine free of charge. Individuals who belong to NACCC churches may request a free copy of the magazine by contacting the NACCC office.

Letters and Submissions

The Congregationalist openly welcomes submissions from its readers. If you are interested in contributing, please review our Call for Articles document and express your intention to contribute to: You may also find it helpful to review our Submission Guidelines document, which includes important dates and deadlines related to contributions.

The Congregationalist Submissions
News Briefs

We welcome submissions of happenings in local churches, state and regional associations, and throughout the Congregational community, including upcoming events. News briefs should provide value beyond purely local interest. We ask that all submissions include at least one related photograph to accompany the submission in the magazine. If you’d like to submit a news brief, please contact the editor.

Feature Articles

Feature articles are pieces of content intended to stand alone in the magazine. They can include commentary, history, theological reflection, how-to churchmanship, fictional short stories, poetry, art, and more. They should reflect the theme of the issue they are submitted to. Please contact the editor prior to composing feature articles to ensure the piece is of interest before investing time and effort in its preparation.


The Congregationalist reaches more than 6,000 readers each quarter, including a high concentration of active leaders in local Congregational Christian churches across the United States. As such, the magazine is an attractive platform for advertising, offering a prime audience and reasonable rates. For an up-to-date advertising kit, contact the editor.

Donate Icon


Each issue of The Congregationalist costs about $15,000 to prepare, publish, and mail. You can help support Congregationalism in America and around the world through your donation to the magazine. Donate online or mail a donation to:

NACCC- The Congregationalist
PO Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154-0288

Connect with the NACCC Team

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

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