What do Winchester, Virginia, Marshalltown, Iowa, and Twentynine Palms, California have in common?
A) They are home to an NACCC church.
B) Their population is around 28,000.
C) The number of residents is approximately the same as the total number of members of NACCC churches.
D) All of the above.
Currently, individual members of NACCC churches number 28,300, akin to a small town. As in a local village, we recognize NACCC names and faces. E-news readers know where one another live and the distinguishing traits of Congregational churches. Friendships last for decades – from NAPF to retirement. Familiarity is cherished in our Association. Let's build on that strength. What would a NACCC Welcome Wagon basket contain? As we prepare a Thanksgiving feast, how might we set more places at the table of Congregationalism?
and her youngest adopted daughters joined a recent Evangelistic Medical Mission Crusade. This crusade, along with Refuge Ranch which serves as a home for Julie, her children, and local children orphaned or rescued from abuse or neglect, are the focus of their outreach for Christ to the people of central Mexico. The girls had gathered some of their toys to give away. They asked, “Mom, how are we going to know who to give the toys to?” Julie responded, “Jesus will show us.” Julie learned about a young girl whose recent illness prevented her from attending
school. Returning to classes, her “friends” had made new friends and ignored her. The Holy Spirit reminded Julie about her daughters and their toys. Julie ran and told her girls, “Jesus showed me the little girl that needs your toys, and your friendship.” Praise the Lord for using children to spread His love and message of salvation!
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National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Ave
PO Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
(414) 764-1620 http://www.naccc.org