Church Resources

Church Resources

The NACCC is made up of a group of experienced staff and volunteers from member churches dedicated to supporting the unique needs of Congregationalism. Through our communication with member churches, the work of our committees and ministries, and by the guidance of our staff and elected leaders, we are able to develop and offer diverse resources designed to help support our member churches growth, development, and faith.

Our Church Resources include:
  • Professional written handbooks dedicated to the in-depth review of the Congregational Way
  • Information and guidance on handling misconduct or conflict
  • How to search for new clergy
  • Worship resources
  • Staffing guidance and advice
Church Resources
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Church Resources

Please review our featured church resources below. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can click on the “View All Resources” button below to explore all NACCC resources, using the filter and search functions. If you are unsure of what you’re looking for, contact the NACCC and a team member will follow up.

Congregational Investment Trust (CIT) – Investment Opportunity

January 12, 2023|Church Resources, Featured - Church Resources, Financial Support|

The Congregational Investment Trust (CIT) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) entity established as an endowment investment option for member churches. Because endowment gifts are long-term, these funds are invested to [...]

The Hurting Churches Fund Endowment

August 12, 2021|Church Assistance, Church Resources, Featured - Church Resources, Featured - Financial Support Resources, Financial Support, Grants|

This fund has been created to assist member churches of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) through challenging times. The 21st Century Pilgrim Club and Morgan Park [...]

2021 Annual Meeting & Conference

June 29, 2021|Annual Meetings & Conferences, Church Resources, Clergy Resources, Events, Featured - Church Resources|

Our 2021 Annual Meeting and Conference was held as a a Virtual meeting. Below you will find documents and videos related to that wonderful event. Welcome Sister Churches! As part [...]

Year-Round Delegate Program

March 10, 2021|Church Resources, Clergy Resources, Featured - Church Resources, Year Round Delegate|

The Year-Round Delegate (YRD), selected by each member church, assists in providing important communication to its church and to the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC). The NACCC depends [...]

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